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Family Support Worker

Hello! My name is Megan Chapman and I am the Family Support Worker at St Peter’s.

I can support parents in a variety of ways including advice on parenting and school issues, liaise with staff and outside agencies and accompany you to meetings or parents evenings if necessary. I am able to carry out home visits and support you with your child’s behaviour at home or just be a friendly ear when you need one.

I am also responsible for monitoring punctuality and attendance in accordance with our attendance policy to ensure that children in our school are given every opportunity to enjoy all that St Peter’s has to offer. If you need support or strategies to ensure your child’s punctual arrival to school, then do get in touch.

Look out for our monthly newsletters packed with news and advice for parents and any events we are running providing opportunities to meet and chat with other parents and ask any questions or raise issues you may have. I am available at all open evenings and parents evenings for support or advice.

I have a school mobile to enable you to contact me directly via text or phone. If I am unavailable, you can leave a message and I will get back to you as soon as I am able. You can also contact me via email with any concerns or suggestions you wish to discuss.

Please note that I don't work on Fridays so if you leave a message on a Friday I will not contact you until early the following week.

My contact details are:

Email: m.chapman@stpeterswaterlooville.hants.sch.uk

Mobile: 07474692736

School number: 02392 262599