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Parents' Association

Welcome to the Friends of St. Peter’s, the social and fundraising side of the school.

We are a group of parents/carers and teachers who hold events throughout the school year with the primary purpose of raising money for additional resources for your children’s school.

Throughout the year we host a variety of fundraising events, including;

  • Annual Summer Fayre
  • School Discos
  • Gift sales for Mothers' and Fathers' Days
  • Christmas time Santa visits

We welcome any help/ideas you can offer in supporting our fundraising initiatives and if you would like to be involved in any way at all, a lot or a little, please don’t hesitate to contact any of us. We hold meetings once every half term, details of which are in the school newsletter or drop us an email at friendsofstpeters2019@outlook.com


Nearly-new and pre-loved uniform can also be ordered online through the Friends of St Peter's and we are always grateful for donations of clean uniform in good condition. To order go to: 


You need to register first and once you are approved you are ready to shop!