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Subject Vision Statements

At St Peter’s Catholic Primary School, our intention is to teach our pupils a broad and balanced curriculum that is exciting, challenging and relevant. The curriculum at St Peter’s is designed to enable each and every one of our children to become independent life-long learners.

In our curriculum we have a clear focus on how to learn as well as what to learn, and we consistently promote the attitudes that can help make children successful learners. The St Peter’s Learning Circle is at the core of the school’s educational ethos, demonstrating our belief that children and adults should be learners who are reflective, respectful, resilient, cooperative, creative and curious.

Our pupils live out the school’s Catholic mission by learning, playing and growing together in an inclusive and diverse community. Adults in the school lead children in local, national and international charitable projects, and help the pupils to understand and respond to social justice and common values. Our curriculum aims to open children’s eyes to the world beyond their immediate environment, taking every opportunity to nurture and deepen their social, personal, spiritual and moral development.

Click on an image and open the document to read our subject vision statements.