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Scroll down for long-term curriculum, reading and writing maps.

Early Years

In Year R your child will follow the Early Years Foundation Stage of Education. This is the education programme for 0-5 year olds that your child will have started in pre-school. The activities given to your child will help to develop their speaking and listening, mathematics and manipulative skills. Some activities will be individual and others will require working as a group, helping your child to develop co-operation.

Some of the time your child will work on activities provided by the teacher. At other times your child will get the chance to explore for themselves and the teacher takes this opportunity to extend children’s learning through these self-initiated tasks. 

Phonics reading scheme

St Peter's follows the Essential Letters and Sounds phonics programme. If you would like to know more about this scheme, please go to:  https://essentiallettersandsounds.org/ 

Curriculum Information

If, having seen the information below, you would like to know more about the curriculum our school is following, please contact your child's class teacher.

Please see below for further information on the National Curriculum and links to the Long Term Plans for each year group in the school.

EYFS Long term curriculum map 24-25

Year 1 Long term curriculum map 24-25

Year 2 Long term curriculum map 24-25

Year 3 Long term curriculum map 24-25

Year 4 Long term curriculum map 24-25

Year 5 Long term curriculum map 24-25

Year 6 Long term curriculum map 24-25

Reading syllabi

Year 1 reading syllabus 24-25

Year 2 reading syllabus 24-25

Year 3 reading syllabus 24-25

Year 4 reading syllabus 24-25

Year 5 reading syllabus 24-25

Year 6 reading syllabus 24-25

English Writing long-term maps

Year 1 English Writing long term map 24-25

Year 2 English Writing long term map 24-25

Year 3 English Writing long term map 24-25

Year 4 English Writing long term map 24-25

Year 5 English Writing long term map 24-25

Year 6 English Writing long term map 24-25

Maths Scheme of Learning


 Years 1-6 Maths Scheme of Learning 24-25